Highlights of my career that will help me make an immediate impact include:
Originating founder of 501c3 non-profit, building it from scratch and adhering to federal and state legal compliances. 
Managed $800K+ worth of funding and $1.5M+ in-kind sponsorships, sustaining $500K in-kind annually while exhibiting expertise in budget management, cost reduction, and large-scale team building.
Built notable PR through campaigns and writing publications on reputable platforms.
Liaised with 112+ universities and obtained a contribution of $25K in free monthly advertisements.
Attained $225K+ worth of donated time towards organizational initiatives from volunteers while serving 650+ students.
Achieved over $40k in educational scholarships from Capella University and Cognizant Technology Solutions.
Obtained sponsorships for high-profile events and conducted planning for a celebrity organization known as Kiss the Monkeys.

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